Friday, 29 April 2016

CSGO Short Review

Hello Everyone
For my first review i will be checking out the game CSGO
Counter Strike Global Offensive

I have heard of it before and i have played it before but today i think it's time
to go into a bit more detail for those that want to play and get into it.

1 - CSGO is a strategic game. The main purpose is to either kill the entire team or plant the bomb if your on T side. Now people might watch others play and think that looks easy. Let me warn you it takes time to perfect all codes and knowledge on maps.

2 - It will take time to get any good, You need to know the call outs to warn your team mates about people coming their way, saying Left or right won't cut it. I have played for roughly about 900 hours in total. Only about 100 hours in you will feel comfortable and will be able to take on hard challenges

3 - Don't quit if you loose. I have met people that go rage and quit. They are the ones that just give up too quickly.

4 - Shooting is only 1 part of the game. I have played for 900 hours and about half that time is actually shooting. I have played Surfing, bhoping, head shot death-matches and it was lots of fun.

5 - Just give it a go and don't quit.