Friday, 14 October 2016

Arrow OverView

New Characters :

Jnr Digal
The recruits

Plot :

Evil copycat wants to kill arrow

Theory :

Will end up Killing or befriending prometheous

Thursday, 13 October 2016

The Flash Episode 3 Overview, theory and plot + Easter eggs

New Characters :

   -   Doctor Alchemy
   -   Jnr Digal
   -   Rival
   -   Julian Albert

 PlotLine           :

Barry comes back in time to redo the killing of his mother to reset everything back to normal, doesn't work out very well. Many changes, more villains. Crazy amount of easter eggs

Easter Eggs       :

   -   Sabature (Main villain)
   -   Julian Albert being alchemy without knowing
   -   Meta human prison (not hidden)
   -   Caitlyn Snow (using her abilities secretly)

Theory             :

As a huge fan of both the TV series and the comics i know how its going to go either way, but the shows never follow the comics 100% of the time. So from what i have seen the only theory i can truely see is the flash defeats the saboteur and then goes back in time to stop himself from stopping his mother from being killed

The Flash Season 3 Episode 2 (Paradox)

If you are keeping up with your flash and arrow then you would of seen this episode, we got to meet doctor Alchemy and rival once again. If you haven't then your about to get your mind blown


We have New look at the season as the new timeline Barry created came with many changes to the original one. The first big change is the team, Cisco is no longer creative and now goes to group counselling because his brother died 3 months prier. The next is barry's party in crime (excuse the pun) Barry goes back to his office to find another person sitting across from his table his name is Julian Albert played by Tom Felton.


Another new character named Doctor Alchemy came in as a big surprise. To anyone that thought Alchemy will be the main character you are WRONG! alchemy has a small role, he gives normal humans powers of meta humans and leaves husks around.

This is all for this episode there are many more easter eggs and villains coming Be READY.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

FouseyTube, Leafy, Drama Alert and Scarce (What is happening with youtube)

So lately fouseytube made a statement about drama channels, stating that drama channels are the reason that youtube is becoming unpopular or becoming bad. I watched fouseytube before he became fit and healthy but i think all of that took away his sense of maturity his kindness. He then accused scarce, Dramalert and philipdeFranco. They said it was fake from the start and then fousey states that they used the drama to get money and views. First off they are reporting what is happening, yet no one complains about CNN or channel 9 news. But fousey decides he wants to call them out. Calling it now he is jealous of how they are getting views and he wants more. What really gets on my nerves is how he tries to explain the whole thing. First of he states Quote on Quote FouseyTube "we shouldn't be okay with the negative stuff that are happening to people, we should not be okay with watching people suffer" This is the shadiest thing i have seen on youtube by far. He did a prank on his assistant at a barber shop and made him cry, he gained from that. He made money off that. But he says "we should not be ok with watching people suffer". Its one thing to watch people suffer and it's another when u cause it. He accused drama channels for gaining views on this. But the truth is he wants views he wants to manipulate the viewers of others. leafy made a rant on fouseytube and i believe him 100% here is the link to the video MUST WATCH IT " "

Monday, 9 May 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 21 ( Promo Analysis )

If you have been following the amazing journey then you would be excited for this Wednesdays episode of the flash.  I will be going in depth of the latest promo to interest more people to watch the series.

Warning Spoilers ahead - 

Those that saw the last episode are probably amped to see this new episode. To understand this promo i will give a brief summary of the last episode. The flash blows up goes into the speed force and then Jesse and Wally west are hit with the speed force blast that initially gives them speed like the flash. Jesse Quick and Wally West are most likely going to get their abilities and help out the flash in future episodes. So... Lets continue on with promo. The first part of it has Barry Allen waking up in his childhood bed. He walks down stairs and it's the crime scene of his mother. She was murdered when he was young. 

Friday, 6 May 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 21 ( Rupture )

The TV series the flash has many ups and downs and sadly for this episode there was an error that got passed through editing without notice. The episode did end with another fatality, I will get onto that later on in the review.

Warning Spoilers ahead - 

The Flash this episode was one of the most exciting this season. If you were watching as a person that has read the comics you would have a pretty good idea of what is happening in this episode. 

Lets start off with the flash, The flash later in the episode tries to restore his speed as seen in the comics. a seat / object that holds him in place and inject chemicals into him as he gets struck by lightning. But this time it didn't happen as you would expect. The flash was vaporized into dust and a shock wave flew through S.T.A.R Labs that struck Jesse and Wally. To those that read the comics would know that wally west would most likely gain the speed force from this and so will Jesse. People that were wondering where the flash went he is in the "SpeedForce". The idea is that "Vibe" (Cisco Ramon)  will use his powers to see where or when Barry is. 

If you are a huge fan of the flash you may or may not of noticed the error in the episode. It occurred when "Zoom" Sent "Rupture" to kill the cops he smashes the window with his scythe and the glass flies far away but in the behind the scenes there are blowers that blow the glass. So in the editing stage they couldn't hide the blast of air and it looks really bad. This is one part of the episode. I am not saying this happens often but it was a pretty bad error for the highly respected TV series.

How did you find the episode? What did you think  about the review?

Arrow Season 4 Episode 20 Review

If you have been following the awesome TV series "Arrow" You might have seen this episode. This review is for both those that have and haven't seen this episode.

Warning Spoilers ahead

The episode was by far the best out of this season, it was a bit confusing at times but otherwise it was a great episode and left me hungry for more.
During the episode many scenes took place where the unexpected occurred. The most intense was between Diggle and Andy. After a long chase through back alleys and getting stabbed with a screwdriver Andy was finally overcome by Diggle. They were left face to face behind a fenced off area. Diggle had a gun and Andy was on the receiving end. Although i thought Diggle was not going to follow through he did. I am not surprised as Andy was enticing him, threatening to kill his family and mock the fact Laurel was killed. 

It took my a while to realize what had just happened. The scene cut to him talking to his wife and letting her know that her baby is safe. But before that arrow had taken on dark, after he had is minute lesson with a lady he met in a casino. He found an ability within him to defeat Damien Dark. He shows up at the mobile home and shoots dark in the back with his well crafted arrow. Dark as usual makes a smart comment then "attempts" to kill Oliver. Oliver's face was going grey but then he concentrated and his eye turned yellow and before you knew it dark and arrow flew opposite directions.

Earlier on in the episode Oliver has a vision / Memory to face his inner demons. He see's Damien dark and Deathstroke. I am not sure if this was meant to mean anything for the future of the episodes. Because back in previous seasons he either locked Deathstroke up or killed him. 

But even earlier on Oliver and Felicity talk about going to meet Constantine and seek his guidance to defeat Damien Dark. During this casino game against the lady you see above Felicity finds out she is actually good as betting and gambling. She says it doesn't count because there was big stakes involved. But in all honesty I think it counts 

How did you find the episode? What did you think  about the review?

Friday, 29 April 2016

CSGO Short Review

Hello Everyone
For my first review i will be checking out the game CSGO
Counter Strike Global Offensive

I have heard of it before and i have played it before but today i think it's time
to go into a bit more detail for those that want to play and get into it.

1 - CSGO is a strategic game. The main purpose is to either kill the entire team or plant the bomb if your on T side. Now people might watch others play and think that looks easy. Let me warn you it takes time to perfect all codes and knowledge on maps.

2 - It will take time to get any good, You need to know the call outs to warn your team mates about people coming their way, saying Left or right won't cut it. I have played for roughly about 900 hours in total. Only about 100 hours in you will feel comfortable and will be able to take on hard challenges

3 - Don't quit if you loose. I have met people that go rage and quit. They are the ones that just give up too quickly.

4 - Shooting is only 1 part of the game. I have played for 900 hours and about half that time is actually shooting. I have played Surfing, bhoping, head shot death-matches and it was lots of fun.

5 - Just give it a go and don't quit.